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Ombak Bali

We are back in Bali, and spending time hanging out with the two friends we made in Flores, Alberto, an Argintinian who lives in Bali, and Cynthia, who is from Olympia, Washington. Both are great fun, nod interesting people. We plan on keeping in touch with them.  I suspect that Cynthia may actually know our other friends in Olympa, Chrisanne and Webb, as they seem to have a lot in common. 

Tonight, Albeto invited us to the Seventh annual Ombak Bali International Surf Film Festival, held at the La Plancha beach bar in Seminyak. We got there just in time to have a new front row of bean bags put in place, so we had front row seats.

Our view

Other people's view

The bar is on the beach, with a beautiful view, comfortable bean bags, and delicious food. The whole beach is filed with bars like this, but La Plancha was the first -- the rest are copy cats.

Me, Tadashi and Cynthia 

Alberto and Cynthia

The film festival is all surfing movies and art. We watched a couple of shorts with slow motion surf, which was really beautiful. 

The director and stars from one movie, "The Salt Trail", were on hand for their movie's Asian premier.

The last movie, "The Old, The Young, & The Sea", was truly fantastic, and quite moving. It was about European surf culture, including three octogenarian surfers that started surfing when they were young. If you can find the movie online or on Netflix, I highly recommend it.

The craziest thing about this evening? We never expected it! Thank you, Alberto, for the invitation!


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