I write this siting on a quiet beach on the South China Sea, south of the (in)famous China Beach, sipping Biere Larue, chilling with Tadashi and our new friend, Pengodactyl. Our new friend's favorite color is blue, and his favorite foods are trash and humans; trashy humans are the best of them all.
Photo courtesy of Tadashi
While he's a lot of fun, it might not be a good idea to invite him over for dinner.
The past few days have been quite hot, with no cloud cover. There's a cool breeze now, but it's picking up he heat of the scorching sand, so every other breeze is quite hot, like an oven. But the ocean is like a nice, warm, bath. If anything, it's a smidgen too warm, but the tide is coming in, bringing smatterings of cool, refreshing water with it. I swam out a ways and rode the swells back in. It was fun and relaxing.
Tonight, we will go net fishing with My's father and brother. We're quite excited about it. Don't worry, I'll post photos tomorrow.
On the fourth of July, we'll be airlifted out of Vietnam. Okay, okay, we'll be on Singapore Airlines, but still, we find it kinda funny. We will fly back to Bali for a very short stay (less than 24 hours) before heading to East Nusa Tenggara, most commonly known as the island you fly to to get to Komodo National Park. We'll spend a week in a villa in the hills of Labuanbajo, followed by three nights in Komodo. I'm particularly looking forward to this stay: we booked a deluxe hut on a private beach, with a spectacular reef just off shore. Snorkeling, here we come!
The next big question is where to go from there...
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