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Crisis in Nepal: Request for Supplies

Nepal was struck by a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake in April, leaving millions homeless.  These people then had to struggle with the nearly non-stop monsoon rains and ensuing mudslides, while still living in tents.  The rains have subsided, but the struggle continues.  In late September, Nepal's deliveries of supplies, food, medicine, gas (petrol), and fuel for cooking have been cut off due to protests about the new constitution. People have been forced to cut down protected forests, as that is the only fuel available.  Now winter is coming, and people are still living in tents, lacking warm clothes and fuel to stay warm.

In Nepal, no petrol also means little or no electricity, as 100% of Nepalese have no access to reliable electricity. The 40% that have access to grid electricity only get 6-8 hours a day of power, so most rely on gas-powered generators. The last time we were in Nepal, I saw a little girl doing her homework in the same room as a gas-powered generator. The fumes were unbearable for me, but they were dangerous for her health and development.  Luckily, there are many organizations working on viable solar options, such as Empower Generation, Gravity Light, and Luci lights

I am writing today to ask for donations of warm clothing and jackets, solar-powered lighting, and laptops for schools. These will go to Gorkha, one of the most earthquake-effected regions. Tadashi and I are traveling to Nepal for the winter break, and will hand-deliver the supplies to, a non-profit, grass roots organization that has been working diligently to bring supplies and medical help to this struggling region. They specifically requested these items as being most needed.

You can read about the border issue at Aljazeera, CNN, New York Times, and BBC. Luckily, Nepal has recently reached a deal with China to import fuel, but it will take a long time to get back to (post-earthquake) normal. It will take even longer to get back to pre-earthquake normal.


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