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Life on The Beach

The good news is that I'm coming home. The bad news is that Tadashi won't be coming with me. Don't worry -- nothing's wrong; we just decided that since my computer is still defunct and I'm getting worn out from traveling, that I would go back home a month early. This works out well for Tadashi as well, because he was really hoping to get back to Ladakh, India this trip. Since there was no way I can go back to India this year, he can now go alone. The added bonus is that I can then help my mother, katch, finish remodelling our kitchen. So my going home early works out well on all sides; it's win-win-win!

We had already decided that we would end this trip by spending a week or so on a beach somewhere. So we're spending our last two weeks together on Koh Samui, in the Gulf of Thailand. It's been raining almost the whole time we've been here. Luckily, the first few days were nice, and the last few days are proving to be nice as well. These pictures are from the 3nd day here. There was a huge storm the night before, making one of the nicest days since we've been here; it certainly was the most dramatic.

There's a huge sand bar off the beach, so that you can walk quite far without even getting your waist wet. The fisher-women above walked out about 500 feet, and the water was only to their chest. These three shots are from the same position!

Although the water isn't as clear as it used to be, due mainly to pollution from sunscreen (parabens and oxybenzone particularly) -- it's still pretty clear. This day proved to be the clear-water day. All the rain since then has really stirred up the water, making it much more murky.

Luckily the waves are really small, so we don't have to worry about the cameras a whole lot.

The View From My Beach Chair

Of course, there's more to do here than just sit on the beach (but it is really easy to just spend all day and night on the beach). A nearby restaurant has a traditional dancing show, with a live band. It was quite nice; we had dinner in our own private sala before the show began.

Although Koh Samui is in Thailand, it really good be anywhere in the world. There is a Burger King and a Pizza Hut, two McDonalds, two Starbucks and about five 7-11's (and that's just on the little stretch that we've been on). Sitting in a restaurant on the "strip", you could be in any city in Asia, with touts rivaling the worst cities. Walk down to the beach, and it's breezy and quiet.

Tomorrow is new year 's for both Nepal and Thailand. We're told the traditional way to celebrate the new year in Thailand is by dousing everyone in water. We're told that our hotel even sets up a delivery truck with slats for poking water guns out of. We're also told that a few people have been prone to putting menthol or chilli powder in the water; not cool when that goes in your eyes! We're also told some people have become fond of throwing ice -- ouch!A Koh Samui Night
Happy Near Year, everyone; I look foward to catching up with all of you soon.


  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....


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