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Edible India

The good news is: we've been in India for two weeks and neither of us has been sick yet!

Talk about no good deeds going unpunished: we think we figured out why we got so sick last time we where here. We like to be responsible travelers and not use so many plastic water bottles, so we bring our own water purifier. Even though our purifier is still pretty new, Tadashi decided it would be a good idea to test it before leaving for this trip, just in case. And a good thing too! It turned out that this purifier -- although it's only been used a few times over the last few years -- wasn't completely purifying the water!

AND, It was the same purifier we brought to India last time.

So, since we were pumping and "purifying" our own water last time we were in India, we have a STRONG suspicion that it was our own water making us so sick. Add to that the fact that I've recently discovered that I'm lactose intolerant, and it all makes sense. So last time we came to India, it was our own equipment making us so ill.

Needless to say, we brought that purifier back to REI and got a new one (which we also tested; it works fine).

We have learned that:
1. ALWAYS test a water purifier with dye -- even it's it's brand new.
2. Paneer cheese and lactose intolerance do not go together.
3. The chewable Lactase pills work extremely well for processing lactose. (And they taste good!)
4. The pill form Lactase, however, does not work very well.

So there you go! There's no need to worry about us and food here in the Indian sub-continent. We're fine! In fact, yesterday Tadashi had a pizza with paneer cheese on it. Talk about a mix of two cultures.

(I swear that pun was unintentional!)


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