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Our New Project

You may be interested to know our plan for this summer. We're especially excited about this year's trip because we're beginning a book project!

We're going to begin working on a book about education in poor, rural, Southern Asia countries. This book will have narratives about teachers, students and parents that we will interview. It will also have background information on the country and area, as well as photos of our informants, the schools and the region.

To begin this project, we're going back to the places that first inspired this project: Northwest Vietnam, to Sa Pa, and Siem Riep, Cambodia (that's where Angkor is).

Our very dear friend, Gom, lives in Sa Pa, so we're going to start the project off by interviewing her and her family. We're also going back to a school in Siem Reap.

I'm in the process of finding a publisher for this book, but we'll see how that works.

I may not do the e-mail list this year, as I have a new blog. That way, I don't have to worry about clogging up your inbox. Anyone can leave comments, and I've set it so that you don't need to have an account or anything. You can check my blog here.

Also, Tadashi has a blog that's been maintaining. He updates it quite frequently with his most recent photos, so it's definitely worth a look as well. You can get there through his website, or go there directly from this link:

That's it for now. Best to all!


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